June YA Fantasy Releases
Happy weekend! It has been really hard to narrow down my top picks of June YA fantasy releases. June has definitely been a great month for YA releases in general and I have already written a post on YA Contemporary releases this month. It is great to have so much choice but hopefully I can help you narrow down your selection so you actually have time to read the books you buy! I know, crazy concept right?!
Sorcery of Thorns

Title: Sorcery of Thorns
Author: Margaret Rogerson
Publisher: McElderry Books
Published: 4th June 2019
Genre: YA Fantasy
This is definitely the most popular pick out of the June YA Fantasy releases. It is featuring in numerous book boxes and I know that there will be bookworms with at least three different copies. Maybe that isn’t such a bad thing though with the extraordinarly high Goodreads rating of 4.33 stars after 745 ratings! Margaret Rogerson’s last book An Enchantment of Ravens was difficult to get hold of in hardback when it was initially released. People were waiting weeks for a copy to ship from retailers including Amazon. My copy is still sat on my shelf waiting to be read but this doesn’t quash my enthusiasm for her latest book, which sounds amazing.
Sorcery of Thorns is full of magic, libraries, sorcerers, demons and monsters. Elisabeth hopes to become a warden, a special group charged with protecting the kingdom from the dark monsters created from powerful grimoires. When the library’s most dangerous grimoire springs to life, Elisabeth is implicated in the crime. The only person she can turn to is her sworn enemy, a sorcerer named Nathaniel Thorn, when she is sent to the capital for punishment. She was brought up to believe that sorcerers are evil but as she grows closer to Nathaniel, Elisabeth begins to question everything she has been taught.
Ghosts of the Shadow Market

Title: Ghosts of the Shadow Market
Author(s): Cassandra Clare with Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Kelly Link and Robin Wasserman
Publisher: Walker Books
Published: 4th June 2019
Genre: YA Dystopian Fantasy
Cassandra Clare fans will be thrilled that they can now have the complete Shadow Market collection (1-10) in paperback! The first eight have been available digitally but now you can read the final two.
The Shadow Market is a meeting point for magical beings, where dark bargains are made, whispered secrets are spoken and magical objects can be found. With frequent visitors from the City of Bones the market is definitely an interesting place! I recommend that you check out the full Goodreads synopsis here for more detail about the stories contained within.
The Beholder

Title: The Beholder
Author: Anna Bright
Publisher: HarperTeen
Published: 4th June 2019
Genre: YA Fantasy, Retellings
Isn’t the cover of The Beholder gorgeous?! I have been intrigued by this book ever since I read the synopsis. It is an interesting blend of fantasy, mythology and various retellings. The book promises a blend of romance, political intrigue and a mix of settings. It has an evil stepmother, secrets and the hope of a happily ever after…. Check out the full synopsis on Goodreads here.
Wicked Fox

Title: Wicked Fox
Author: Kat Cho
Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers
Published: 25th June 2019
Genre: YA Contemporary Fantasy, Mythology
Am I the only one who hears ‘nine-tailed fox’ and immediately thinks of Pokémon? The cover for this book is stunning. Wicked Fox is described as “A fresh and addictive fantasy-romance set in modern-day Seoul.” I love the premise and the fact that the book is a contemporary fantasy based on Korean mythology! Also, I think it sounds like a refreshingly different kind of read! I definitely recommend that you check out the full synopsis here.
Lost Horizon

Title: Lost Horizon
Author: Michelle Hercules
Publisher: Infinite Sky Publishing
Published: 4th June 2019
Genre: YA Fantasy, Retelling, Sci-fi
I love interesting, unique retellings as you probably know if you read my review of Once and Future not so long ago. Lost Horizon definitely fits the unique profile as it is a Wizard of Oz retelling in space. Space seems to be a popular destination for retellings this year! It has all of the important elements of the classic tale as Dorothy Hansen, a Space Academy prodigy, is sucked into a vortex and is on a mission to find her way home. She comes across three strangers who join her on her journey but as the evil forces along the way become stacked against them, will they even survive their journey on the yellow brick road?
YA Fantasy June Releases – Honorable Mentions
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that there are some exciting sequels coming out this month! The first books have all featured in various book box subscriptions and each of the sequels look very promising.
- Soul of the Sword (Shadow of the Fox #2)
- Rage (Stormheart #2)
- Shadow & Flame (Rime Chronicles #2)
Books Galore
I hope that you have discovered a book or two in my top picks for June that you are excited about. Indeed, I have tried my best to include a wide range of sub-genres so that there should be something for everyone. I’m sure that most of you will be wondering how you are ever going to be able to get through your TBR pile, as I am. Let me know what you are reading this month below and what recent releases have tickled your fancy!
If you do decide to grab a copy from one of my lists and would like to support me then my affiliate Book Depository link is below. It costs you nothing extra and I would appreciate it immensely! Affiliate link: http://www.bookdepository.com/?a_aid=dellybird
Great post! I need more money to spend on books!
I had an ARC of The Beholder and LOVED it! I hope to get my hands on a copy of Sorcery of Thorns soon as well! I have found that there aren’t a ton of great fantasy releases this summer, but there are a TON of great fantasies coming out this fall that I am so pumped for.
*Sits in a corner whispering Becky Chambers To be taught, if fortunate over and over again* Not that I have a specific book I would kill to read or anything…. I have a Fairyloot copy of The Beholder. It is so pretty! Which book are you looking forward to the most? 🙂
This fall? Probably Gravemaidens, There Will Come a Darkness or Serpent and Dove. I don’t even know though, there are so many good titles coming out this fall.
Though I don’t read a ton of YA books, I am curious about new and upcoming releases. These sound quite good, I might have to add them to my wish list for next time I’m out buying YA books.