Stay At Home – Book Blogger Tag
A big thanks to Mina for tagging me in the stay at home book blogger tag! I haven’t done a book blogger tag for ages and the stay at home book blogger tag looked really fun. You can check out her answers here. If you don’t follow Mina’s blog already then I highly recommend that you check it out <3
1. Laying in bed — A book you read in one day

I was extremely lucky to be on the street team for Akemi Dawn Bowman’s Harley in the Sky. Akemi is an amazing author and I love her books, which usually have mental health & identity themes. Technically I didn’t read this book in one day BUT that was because of an E-arc issue. I was enjoying it so much and then the book suddenly went blank half way through! Akemi kindly sent me a different file type and I immediately consumed the rest. There is no doubt I would have read it in one sitting if I could have! If you like YA contemporary fiction I highly recommend you check out Harley in the Sky. My review is here if you want to know more.
2. Snacking – A book that is a ‘guilty pleasure’ read

This is a tough one as I have quite a few guilty pleasure reads. To me, guilty pleasure books tend to be re-reads rather than new books. I debated picking Harry Potter, which I listen to on audiobook at least once a year. However, I think my real guilty pleasure has to be A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. I love the characters and the setting of this book as well as watching different relationships developing. It nods to mental health issues and coming back after traumatic experiences. In my opinion it is the best book in the series and I can quite happily pick it up by itself. I might be picking it up again very soon as I am in the mood to write some fanfiction!
3. Netflix — A series that you want to start

To be honest I am a little bit burnt out when it comes to Netflix. You know the feeling, when you browse through lots of options and then end up not watching anything? There are, of course, plenty of series that I have meant to watch for a while. One of the latest additions to the list is the teen fantasy show Locke & Key, based on the original graphic novels. Three siblings move into their father’s ancestral estate after his murder. They discover magical keys that unlock “powers – and secrets”.
4. Deep clean — A book that has been on your TBR for ages

I haven’t yet picked up my copy of Caraval *goes to hide behind the sofa*. I know, I KNOW. Yes, I should have picked it up by now. It is one of the most hyped series I have come across with special editions coming out left, right and centre. It seems ridiculous that I have the full series on my shelves but haven’t even read book one yet. I’m too easily swayed by my fellow book bloggers! I promise I will pick it up soon…
5. Animal Crossing — A book you recently bought because of the hype

A Throne of Swans is the last book I bought because of the hype. My fellow book bloggers seemed to really enjoy this fantasy retelling! It kept appearing in my Twitter feed and so when I saw the Kindle version on offer I snapped it up.
6. Productivity — A book you learned from or had an impact on you

I feel like I should have picked something educational but I will explain my choice. Changes by Jim Butcher is book 12 in The Dresden Files series. This urban fantasy series follows Harry Dresden, Chicago’s only wizard-detective. I LOVE this series and this is my favourite book so far. When I finished Changes, I laid on my bed sobbing and just didn’t know what to do with myself. I just wanted to lay there and experience all of the emotions that Changes brought out of me. Normally I immediately jump into the first chapter of the next book in a series but this book hit me really hard. I don’t want to say why but it is quite the adventure!
If you are interested in giving The Dresden Files a go then the first 5 books, at the time of writing, are only 99p each on Kindle UK! You can start with book 3 if you want to jump straight into the action. The first two books are good but are more pulp noir with magic than urban fantasy. For more information on the series you can check out my post here.
7. FaceTime — A book you were gifted

I’m not sure if I’m in the minority for book bloggers but I rarely get gifted books! Probably as people worry about buying duplicates of what I already own. I did take part in a book blogger secret santa last year and was thrilled to be gifted The Legend of Korra: Ruins of the Empire Part One. I’ve really wanted to explore graphic novels and I’m a big Korra fan! I’m always open to more suggestions too. If there is a graphic novel you think I would like then please let me know in the comments <3
8. Self-care — What is one thing you have done recently to look after yourself
I have major issues with dehydration! Despite trying hard to drink my minimum of 2 litres a day, I always seem to fall short. The solution for me has been to buy myself a 2L refillable drinks bottle! It has times listed on the side, along with motivational messages, so I can easily see if I am getting behind where I should be. It is leak-proof and has a pop-up straw, which is fab. The number one thing I can do to look after myself is to stay hydrated and my new bottle makes it much easier. If anyone is interested in purchasing one then you can find the bottle I bought from Amazon here*.
BONUS — An upcoming release you are looking forward to

It is impossible to pick just one right now! There are TWO new books in The Dresden Files series coming this year – Peace Talks and Battlefront. In a few days, after much anticipation, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes will finally be in my hands! It is one of my top picks for May 2020 but it is also one of my top picks this year. I can’t wait to jump into the 10th annual Hunger Games and learn more about young Snow’s journey to villainy.
Here are my nominations to complete the stay at home book blogger tag:
- Ink and Plasma
- Type 1 Fiction
- Ace Of Bens
- Writeous Baby
- Bewitching Reads
- Fantastic Books and Where to Find Them
- Paperback Bex
- Tales Past Midnight
- And On She Reads
- Aelins Kingdom
- Al Garete
- YOU! If you want a formal tag let me know below!
*This post contain my Amazon affiliate link. I may earn a small commission for purchases made using it, which would help to support me during this difficult time. If you prefer the Book Depository please use my affiliate link by clicking here. Thank you for your support.*
I love this! I also don’t get books as gifts very often, and when I do, it’s usually because I’ve dropped a very obvious hint. 😅 I also suck at staying hydrated 🙈
Yes! I think that is another reason that people don’t tend to buy me books as it is very difficult to make it a surprise present. Having a water bottle with times on is really helpful! You could even DIY one with a marker pen if you didn’t want to buy one 🙂
I started reading Caraval this week for a buddy read and it’s ridiculously good! Get on that! Thanks for the tag!
I promise! I’m glad I’m not the only person who hasn’t finished the series (which it feels like sometimes!) Enjoy the rest of it <3
The only one I can relate with is Locke 7 Key, I want to watch that as well and I’m done with Hunger Games in general so I won’t be picking up the upcoming book! Thank you so much for the tag, will get to it and share it soon!
Fair enough! Awesome, I’m looking forward to reading your answers 🙂
Ohhh I love this!!! Awesome answers. ACOMAF is definitely such a good book (and definitely the best one of the series). Can’t wait to do this tag 😍😍
Thank you 🙂 Yay, let me know when you have done it so I can check out your answers too 😀 I always love seeing what people choose in tags like this.
Will do!! 🤩
[…] to Delly for tagging me in this fun little Q&A tag, and click on the name to go through to see her […]
[…] is experiencing right now. On one of my very few forays into Book Twitter I saw a post by Adele of Dellybird where she was asking who I wanted to be tagged in a book tag she was doing. Heck yeah I […]
[…] Getting back in the swing of things this week and it feels great to be back! I was tagged by the lovely Dellybird to take part in the Stay at Home Blogger tag and I feel like this is the perfect tag to do post returning from hiatus seeing as the lockdown was one of the reasons I had to take a break for a bit. You can check out Delly’s post here. […]
Wow so many amazing titles here Thank you so much for sharing them I will check them out xoxo Cris
[…] a thank you to Delly for tagging me in the Stay At Home Book Tag, created by Princess of Paperback! It’s been a […]