Harley in the Sky Book Tag
Akemi Dawn Bowman is a fantastic author and I am really lucky to be part of the street team for her next book Harley in the Sky. To celebrate it’s upcoming release in March 2020 some talented members of the street team are releasing fun challenges. The first is by booktuber emmanovella, who has created the Harley in The Sky book tag. The challenge video is here to give you all of the details and an opportunity to enter Emma’s giveaway! The prizes are a pre-order of Harley in the Sky and a set of exclusive art cards from Akemi!

Prompt One ‘Yellow’
Harley in the Sky has a gorgeous yellowy/orange cover so find a book with yellow/orange on the cover. Bonus points if the colour is relevant to the book (yellow in the title or words like sun etc)
There are a lot of options for this prompt but I have decided to go with The Truth of Different Skies by Kate Ling. I feel very guilty that I haven’t read this book yet. I was lucky enough to win a copy and it is patiently waiting on my TBR shelf.

If you haven’t come across the Ventura saga before then you can expect a YA Sci-fi novel with romance at the core. You can check out the synopsis for book one, The Loneliness of Distant Beings, on Goodreads here.
Prompt Two ‘Circus’
Harley is set in a circus so find another book set there. Bonus if it’s NOT The Night Circus!

Yay a book that fits both the ‘Circus’ and ‘Aerialist’ prompts! Laura Lam has two new exciting books releasing next year – Goldilocks and Seven Devils. Admittedly, I hadn’t heard of her before I was checking out 2020 releases but Pantomime sounds intriguing! So what is it about? Here is the synopsis:
“Gene’s life resembles a debutante’s dream. Yet she hides a secret that would see her shunned by the nobility. Gene is both male and female. Then she displays unwanted magical abilities – last seen in mysterious beings from an almost-forgotten age. Matters escalate further when her parents plan a devastating betrayal, so she flees home, dressed as a boy.
The city beyond contains glowing glass relics from a lost civilization. They call to her, but she wants freedom not mysteries. So, reinvented as ‘Micah Grey’, Gene joins the circus. As an aerialist, she discovers the joy of flight – but the circus has a dark side. She’s also plagued by visions foretelling danger. A storm is howling in from the past, but will she heed its roar?”
Prompt Three ‘Harley’
No guesses at to the connection with the book here! This prompt can go a couple of different ways. You can find a book with a character named Harley OR in relation to the character Vas, find a book that involves motorcycles in some way (bonus if it’s a Harley Davidson… get it?)

I am totally there for this prompt as one of my favourite scenes from Cold Days involves a motorcycle chase on a Harley Davidson. Cold days is another fantastic book in Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files series. This time Harry is heavily involved with the fae of the winter court. I won’t say any more as I don’t want to give a way spoilers but it is action packed and a great read. If you haven’t head of The Dresden Files before I wrote a introduction here.
Prompt Four ‘Mixed Race Character’
Spread the diversity love! Harley is mixed race, share another book with a mixed race character/s

Akemi features mixed race characters in all of her books so for this prompt I have picked Rumi from Summer Bird Blue. This is a really beautiful YA contemporary novel about identity, family and the different stages of grief. Prepare to shed some tears over this one! When Rumi loses her sister in an accident, her mother sends her to Hawaii to live with her aunt. Rumi’s world has fallen apart and she has to navigate finding herself again whilst dealing with her loss. If you would like to know more about Summer Bird Blue I have a full review here.
Prompt Five ‘Vegas’
Harley comes form Vegas so find me a book set in Vegas!

Ah this prompt was hard! I am going to pick the same book as Emma for this one as I am honestly struggling to think of another. Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody has a Vegas-esque setting in New Reynes, the City of Sin. It is not a place that a young lady should go but Enne is following a trail to find her missing mother. The book takes Enne through casinos and cabarets. With no leads left she turns to a conman, Levi, but even after she buys his help, he brings trouble of his own.
Prompt Six ‘Aerialist’
Harley is an aerialist. It might be hard to find a book with another aerialist character so instead, find a book that deals with flying in some way.

One of the best ways to fly is clearly on the back of a phoenix so I have to pick Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto. You can check out my full review here. Crown of Feathers is a fantastic YA fantasy full of plot twists, magic and well developed characters. It has complex relationships and a slow burn m+m romance. I can’t recommend it highly enough for YA fantasy fans!
Harley in The Sky Book Tag
That is the end of the Harley in The Sky book tag! If you fancy giving it a go then please let me know when you complete it so I can check out your answers. It is great how many books I have discovered from book tags. Most importantly though, please check out Harley in The Sky! Once I have finished the book I will link my review for you to check out here.
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