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The Infinity Courts

The Infinity Courts – Cover Reveal

I am SO excited to be part of the street team for The Infinity Courts by Akemi Dawn Bowman. I love all of Akemi’s books and now she has ventured into my favourite genres! The Infinity Courts is the sci-fi/fantasy mash up of my dreams. The synopsis from the book jacket sounds AMAZING. You can check out a mini-synopsis on Goodreads here (and add it to your TBR!) Want an early look at the cover and the chance to win a copy? Then you have come to the right place!

The Infinity Courts Scavenger Hunt

Welcome to The Infinity Courts scavenger hunt! Starting on 19th June 2020 the street team are sharing different puzzle pieces for you to put together!

  • There are 16 puzzle pieces in total! They are scattered around various book blogs/social media accounts.
  • Make sure you check Akemi’s Instagram @akemidawnbowman each day to find out where to go for the latest puzzle pieces
  • Feel free to share your progress on social media using the hashtag #THEINFINITYCOURTS
  • For those of you who post the finished puzzle: Akemi will choose a random winner via the hashtag to receive a pre-order of the book!
  • Winner will be notified on June 25th, when the cover will be officially revealed on Akemi’s website!

My Puzzle Piece

There are three new cover puzzle pieces to find and put together today including this one! I love the hot pink on the cover. I can’t wait for you to piece it all together.

The Infinity Courts book cover

Am I Too Late?

Definitely not! Check out the full scavenger hunt reveal list below if you missed yesterday’s clues. Good luck everyone. Let me know what you think of the cover!

If you haven’t read any of Akemi’s books yet then check out my review of Harley in the Sky and Summer Bird Blue as you are definitely missing out!

Category:Beautiful Books
Audible June Sale
Crossing in Time: Ultimate Blog Tour #Gifted

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