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Contact Me


If you would like to contact me regarding my blog please use the contact methods below:

E-mail: dellybirdblog@hotmail.com

Twitter: @dellybird

Review Policy

Book Reviews

*Currently closed to new author review requests*

I love reviewing books and am happy to receive requests. I will refuse copies of books that I don’t think I will enjoy as it is not in anyone’s interests for me to accept them. My time is restricted and I will always take this into consideration before agreeing to any review. I am happy to receive physical copies of books as well as e-books. My most read genres are as follows:

  • Fantasy
  • Contemporary
  • Science Fiction
  • Young Adult (with the above sub-genres)

I am open to reading other genres if the blurb catches my interest, although they may fall outside my area of expertise for the sake of comparison.  My reviews will always be honest, although any criticism I may have will only ever be shared in a constructive fashion. If I love a book I can’t help but shout it from the rooftops. Reviews will be shared across multiple social-media platforms, including Goodreads and also sellers websites.

I will always be open to author interviews for books that I have enjoyed.

Product Reviews

I am happy to review products that are in keeping with my blog and values. If you have a product that you would like me to review please e-mail me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

PR Friendly

www.dellybird.co.uk is PR friendly. I am happy to accept sponsored posts etc that are in keeping with the blog and my values. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.
